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The HeArt Endeavor Inc. is a non-profit, IRC section 501(c) (3) corporation that continues Niles Nordquist Studio’s art ministry. During the past few years, Niles has devoted both proceeds and activities of his art to further this effort. The goals of the HeArt Endeavor are to bring art into Christian lives, to introduce artists to Christianity, and to provide resources to non-profit humanitarian and faith-based organizations.

Recent endeavors include providing more than $25,000 to non-profit schools, art education foundations, missions support, African medical and humanitarian missions, churches, and other non-profit foundations.

The HeArt Endeavor is the next step in a successful effort to use art as a catalyst for Niles and other artists to contribute to these goals. The HeArt Endeavor was founded to expand art-related opportunities to include other artists and patrons for these noble purposes. The officers and employees of HeArt Endeavor receive no payment. All of the net proceeds of this work support other non-profit organizations.

The HeArt Endeavor has contributed to the success of these efforts:

Boise Rescue Mission

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Housing for Kenyan Refugees who lived in the forest for more than ten years

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Safe and accessible drinking
water in Subukia, Kenya

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Earthquake first responders in Manta, Equador

Children of Promise Children's Home
for the children of prostitutes in Tijuana, Mexico

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Sonoma Valley Schools Art Education

The HeArt Endeavor Inc. is an Idaho non-profit, IRC section 501(c) (3) corporation.
Donations are tax deductible.